Notices for Artists
Application Now Closed
The Fine Print
Please read the following carefully before applying. Before completing the application form you will be asked to agree to the following statements:
- Participants must be 19 years of age or older.
- I hereby and forever discharge the 2024 Northumberland Hills Studio Tour from all manner of actions, suits, damages, claims, and demands whatsoever in law or equity.
- I attest that I am the sole creator of all work.
- If accepted, I agree to provide proof of liability insurance (minimum of $2 million) no later than August 15, 2024.
- I attest that I live in Northumberland County, Ontario.
- I agree to allow a studio visit to ensure the suitability of the premises and artwork.
- I agree to participate in volunteer activities.
- I authorize the use of images submitted by me to the 2024 Northumberland Hills Studio Tour for publicity or documentation without notice or payment to me.
- I agree that if I self-define as an “emerging artist” that all promotional material, print or otherwise will also indicate that I am an emerging artist.
Artist Obligations and Info
- The Northumberland Hills Studio Tour depends on grant funds requiring participants provide an educational element to their work or presentations. Please be prepared to demonstrate or otherwise provide an educational element during the tour.
- Artists will be subject to a jurying process to ensure the quality and presentation of work, and that the space is suitable to high volumes of traffic on the tour weekend. Artists must provide a safe, clean and presentable space. Artists should also consider making their space friendly to those with mobility impairments.
- Artists are required to attend Information Sessions or send a proxy. Typically, there are 2 or 3 sessions.
- Northumberland Hills Studio Tour is a not-for-profit event that is driven by volunteer efforts. All artists are expected to participate. There is a wide range of activities that require support ie: distribution of brochures, placing and collecting signage, social media and more.
- Following the tour, you will be required to provide a final sales number. This may be provided by the artist anonymously. Northumberland Hills Studio Tour records no personal information. The figure is aggregated and is necessary for the purposes of future grant applications and promotional opportunities.
- Northumberland Hills Studio Tour cannot guarantee acceptance. A wide range of criteria will be considered when accepting artists including a balanced representation of disciplines in addition to quality of work and suitability of the presentation space. Fees already paid will be reimbursed if not accepted.
- Artists are encouraged to share their studio space if possible. Likewise, artists without a presentation space may also apply. Northumberland Hills Studio Tour will make all reasonable attempts to match artists with an available space. A guest artist is subject to all the same fees, conditions and obligations described above. An artist may host no more than 2 other artists.
- Emerging Artists – Who decides if you are an “emerging artist”? You do. Regardless of your age (provided you are of legal age) or education, if you have limited professional experience and are just finding your artistic voice, you may wish to be identified as an emerging artist. If you define yourself as such, promotional material for the Northumberland Hills Studio Tour will also indicate that you are an early career artist. That way, you can manage unreasonable expectations of your visitors. We think that visitors will delight in discovering new talent! Emerging artists are subject to all the same obligations and responsibilities of other artists on the tour.